Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Getting Off the Ground

I have recently begun thinking more seriously about the enormity of a task like getting a new dance company up and running. The very idea is daunting enough that I'm sure many people never even try. Many more try and give up. And I'm beginning to understand why.

For starters, there's the dolla$. I mean, one of the most basic principles of fund raising is that the more you spend, the more you make. Well, when you're just starting out (especially when you're just starting out as a recent college graduate who doesn't even have insurance) your back is really up against a wall, finance-wise. So what are we to do? Especially in an economic climate as bleak as ours currently is. We aren't even supposed to feel the relief of the supposed upswing that we're in for a few more years!

The only answer that I can see is to get creative and recognize that patience is a virtue. Big shows and official status and regular paychecks may be years off. In fact, they're almost definitely far off in the future. But creative thinking and perseverence are really the only options we have. Arts work has never been easy, but a few have always made it to the big time. As time goes on, I'm starting to think it's hard work and not luck that makes the difference. Luck obviousy helps, but the work is so very hard. It's harder than I thought and I've been hearing horror stories about how hard arts work is since I was 14. But the biggest rewards come to those who wait and work and beat the odds.

I'm just going to put my nose to the grindstone and fight for my reward, even if it takes years.

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